Mere christianity book report

When studying human history, he claims, one is struck by how similar different. It is not the same as the laws of physics or chemistry. One of the most popular introductions to christian faith ever written, mere christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide. Lewis, adapted from a series of bbc radio talks made between 1941 and 1944, while lewis was at oxford during the second world war. Mere christianity is a long walk, through which lewis holds your hand the entire time. Bringing together lewis legendary broadcast talks during world war two from his three previous books the case for christianity, christian behavior, and beyond personality, mere christianity provides an unequaled. But many people today are reluctant to read this magnificent classic. Lewis takes the ordinary christian doctrines we are all familiar with and expounds on them in a fascinating and exciting new way. Book 1 1 there has been a great deal of soft soap talked about god for the last hundred years. Anyone who is physically and mentally capable of acting upon and making moral judgments in reference to right and wrong can be considered. Lewis 18981963 and, although i liked a grief observed more, i also liked this one.

Lewis includes detailed chapter summaries and analysis covering 4 books and 33 chapters, as well as several. Mere christianity was published in 1952 and is an expansion of some of c. He wants to fight the stereotype that christianity is concerned with limiting human happiness. Across more than six decades, lewis is talking to me and anyone else who will listen about his christian faith. And it can be with the mere christianity study guide. As such, i wanted to share with you my reading of mere christianity by c. It uses philosophical methods and historical and scientific evidence to argue for. The book takes for granted a commonsense attitude toward morality, reason, and the bible. Book 1 we as humans are created by some being who also dictates, through our conscience, how we ought to behave. Lewis, best known for his chronicles of narnia series, had been raised as a christian but grew disillusioned with the faith and turned to atheism at age 15. Lewiss most wellknown apologetics, one must understand his audience. My copy of mere christianity is covered in red ink and riddled with dog ears.

Mere christianity book report my vision my vision is to someday be a missionary in china. Lewiss legendary broadcast talks of the war years, talks in which he set out simply to explain and defend the belief that. Whether they admit it or not, all men recognize it, and even appeal to it. Lewis builds the foundation of his apologetic by making a rational argument.

Mere christianity is a classic book thats not only written for those who want a deeper knowledge of their christian faith, but also for nonbelievers who are struggling to know who god is. In early 2000, mere christianity was named by christianity today as the most influential christian book of the twentieth century. It isnt so much long in size my copy is 191 pages as it is in attention to detail. Lewis book mere christianity is a good book for an unbeliever to read to establish a rational basis for belief in christianity.

Lewis argues for the existence of god, and then proceeds to outline what he believes are the fundamental tenants of christianity. Mere christianity summary from litcharts the creators of. Lewis argues for the logical validity of christianity, defends the religion from its critics, and looks in detail at what the life of a christian is like. My copy of mere christianity is covered in red ink and riddled. Mere christianity summary from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. Mere christianity book 1 chapter 1 summary course hero. The fool had been told that lewis is an example of a great scholar and intellectual who was at one time an atheist andor agnostic who later. There is little mention of christianity in this first book.

Lewiss works of nonfiction, with several million copies sold worldwide. Lewis discusses the major divisions of belief in god the major division are found in the people who believe in god, or some type of god, and those who have no belief system atheist. I also recognize the great pain that any human being suffers going through life, some much more than others. Christians will gain new insights as to why they believe nonchristians will find a brilliant exposition. My vision my vision is to someday be a missionary in china. In what ways does the writing reflect the fact that it was originally intended to be heard rather than read. In the first part of the book, lewis discusses the law of human nature. This book mere christianity published in 1953 was based on the transcript of the bbc radio broadcast that lewis gave at oxford during world war ii 19411944. Also includes sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or. In 2006, christianity today ranked lewiss book third in its list of the most influential books since 1945. In book three of mere christianity, lewis will study the rules of christian morality in more detail. In book i, lewis explores the notion of right and wrong, which he argues is, at its core, an inherently human characteristic that is not, as some would argue. Mere christianity ashleydc21 ashley c book report book i. What did you learn from reading the book mere christianity.

First heard as informal radio broadcasts and then published as three separate books the case for christianity, christian behavior, and beyond personality mere christianity brings together what lewis saw as the fundamental truths of the religion. In mere christianity, lewis sees life as a battle between the forces of good and bad. The essentials of christianity are presented in an enlightening, easytograsp narrative. Lewis could summarize such broad concepts so eloquently without coming across as overlyreligious or preachy. Lewis 1952 book mere christianity with great sadness, respect and hope. In explaining the purpose of the book, lewis says that he is only writing to defend mere christianity the core of the religion, the beliefs common to all denominations and that. To be fair, if the author intended to provoke a person to read his book to find out why he used the word mere next to the word christianity, then i acknowledge his strategy as having some merit. What, in your opinion, is lewis offering us in mere christianity. Lewis first delivered the chapters that make up mere christianity as live radio addresses for the bbc beginning in 1941. The book is the written form of a series of radio broadcasts that lewis gave in england in the 1940s. Mere christianity is one of the most popular christian books in history. First heard as informal radio broadcasts and then published as three separate books the case for.

Lewiss legendary broadcast talks of the war years, talks in which he set out simply to explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all christians at all times. Mere christianity study guide is perfect for book clubs, church groups, and independent study. Right and wrong as a clue to the meaning of the universe the law of human nature summary. Mere christianity summary below i will provide one sentence summaries of each chapter i read from the book mere christianity. So if you want something thoughtful a book to chew on, that might at times challenge you and certainly will, if nothing. In book i, lewis explores the notion of right and wrong, which he argues is, at its core, an inherently human characteristic that is not, as some would argue, merely a social construct. The work is a compilation of talks on christian philosophy that lewis gave to. Mere christianity summary and analysis free book notes. In the second part of the book, lewis discusses a few competing theories about the allpowerful beings identity. Many of you have probably read the book the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. He offers rational explanations for why things are as they are, and proposes christianity is. S lewis, as a commentary to the radio broadcastings between 1952 and 1954 of the british broadcasting corporation.

He used d youth pastor and told me that would be missionary in china someday. It is only a few weeks ago that i finally got around to reading mere. This study guide consists of approximately 49 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of mere christianity. Mere christianity is full of memorable and powerful revelations that elucidate the foundations of christian theology, our relationship to god, and the meaning of life.

All of humanity feels the weight of some law of human nature, which dictates to everyones conscience a. Lewis you can find this audio book is separated into individual chapters on my i am abled channel also. Every christian should read it whether you agree with it or not you can comment your opinion. Mere christianity summary and study guide supersummary. What qualities of lewiss speaking voice come through in the book. The contents of this book were first given on the air, and then published in three separate parts as the case for christianity 1943, christian behaviour 1943, and beyond personality 1945. I recognize the reality of evil acts and systems in the world and of people who do evil. Heard first as radio addresses and then published as three separate booksthe case for christianity, christian behavior, and beyond personalitythis book brings together lewiss legendary broadcast talks of the war years, talks in which he set out simply to explain and. Lewis begins with human nature, the law, the ability to discern between right and wrong, and stepbystep, slowly but surely. Lewis, the most important writer of the 20th century, explores the common ground upon which all of those of christian faith stand together. In that way it may possibly be of some help in silencing the view. Some have even claimed lewis is the most important writer of the 20th century. Sites like sparknotes with a mere christianity study guide or cliff notes. Mere christianity study guide 2 book i1 david grice 852011 book i.

Mere christianity by c s lewis complete audio book read by. This easytounderstand workbook digs deep into each chapter and in turn into lewiss thoughts transforming you into an expert on this apologetics classic. This detailed literature summary also contains topics for discussion on mere christianity by c. Considered a classic of christian apologetics, the transcripts of the broadcasts originally appeared in print as three separate pamphlets. I consider that the correct place to use the word mere would be in describing my life before i knew what it was to be a christian. Christian behavior mere christianity is a theology book written by c. Right and wrong as a clue to the meaning of the universe. The question and answer section for mere christianity is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Ive been reading lots of books on a regular basis since i was 9 or 10. Both christian and nonchristians benefit from reading this book. Lewiss forceful and accessible doctrine of christian belief. Within the christian religion there is a fair play and morality expectation, not like a law within a state speed limits or the obvious not to murder but to be a good, pure person you must follow certain guidelines.